
Conversational Topic: Artificial Intelligence

How to Measure and Improve Decision Automation for Cybersecurity (Next Gen SOAR)

Kumar Saurabh (September 2019)

Facing an increasingly sophisticated barrage of threats, Security Operations Centers (SOCs) today are evaluating a variety of security tools, including security automation tools.

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Thoughts about AI in Cybersecurity

Shawn Riley (September 2019)

Generally when people hear the term AI they instantly think of data science derived AI such as machine learning and deep learning. This type of AI is very much needed as the amount of security data keeps increasing. When I started out in security in the early 1990s, the security analysts would have to manually go through the logs and other data sources to look for patterns of interest.

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The State of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

TK Keanini (September 2019)

No matter where you stand on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), there’s still plenty to talk about when it comes to how we as an industry are currently making use of them. With that in mind, I’d like to share some thoughts on ways we need to view machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as how we need to shift the conversation around them.

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